Hai to Gensou no Grimgar


Sooo, I just finished watching Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash). I started watching it about a month ago, but only until the 4th episode. And then I continued watching it yesterday and finished it in the same day. I warn you, this is a spoiler.

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash) is an action fantasy anime, adapted from a light novel series written by Ao Jūmonji and illustrated by Eiri Shirai. The anime was aired from January 11 2016 until March 28 2016 with total of 12 episodes. The story is about several people that become friends after they were “born” in a world named Grimgar. They don’t remember anything about their former world or anything that happened to them before they’re in Grimgar.


In this world, they’re required to be a soldier of the reserve army. And so, everyone has found a party to begin their adventure with, except these people: Manato, Haruhiro, Ranta, Moguzo, Shihoru, and Yume. And so, they formed a party together. With Manato as the leader party, they begin to slowly get used to this world. In order to survive, they need to make money, to buy their needs such as food, clothes, and etc, and also to level up. Each of them take a different class: Manato as the priest, Haruhiro as thief, Ranta as the dark knight, Moguzo as warrior, Shihoru as mage, and Yume as hunter. In the beginning, they’re struggling just to even kill one goblin. And some of them feel bad after killing goblin, because they think of them as living things too. By learning from their failures, and gaining new skill, they slowly become stronger and manage to kill more than one goblin at a time. When they finally think that life’s getting better, suddenly they got striked by a lightning with the death of Manato, making them lose all of their will to continue living. All of them become desperate. And then as Haruhiro becomes the new leader, they find another priest that their friend introduced, to continue their journey, to survive. The new priest named Mary, an emotion-less girl who’s unfriendly. Everyone tries to be friend with her but she just keeps on being so unfriendly. Then one day, they ask someone who knows about Mary, to tell them something about her. It turns out that Mary has a painful past that caused her to be like she’s now. After knowing her past, they try to make her realize that they suffer the same pain too, that she’s not alone. And so, Mary’s getting friendlier as the day goes by. Later on, they move from an abandoned city to Cyrene Mines, the place where Mary’s friends died. When they enter the mines, they meet a Death Spot, the monster who killed Mary’s friends. When they go to someplace in the dungeon to rest, they meet Mary’s friends that has been cursed by the No Life King‘s curse. Mary asks for the help of the others so she can use Dispel, a skill to undo the curse. After finally undo all of her friends’ curse, Death Spot appears. They try to escape from it with all of their might, but Ranta falls down after helping Haruhiro gets up. Everyone goes up, leaving Ranta behind. Then they think of some plan and then go down again, to help Ranta out. Ranta somehow manages to get into the upper floor. And when he tries to catch up to his friends, Death Spot found him. Seeing that Ranta is okay, the others feel relived. They try to fight the Death Spot to make Ranta get into a safe place. With Yume’s arrow hitting one of the Death Spot‘s eye, and also the help of the others, they finally manage to go to the upper floor. When they think they’re freed from Death Spot, suddenly it appears again. Thinking that they won’t have a chance to runaway if someone’s not left behind, Haruhiro takes the position and tells the others to runaway. He fights Death Spot with the thought of not be able to survive, when suddenly, the green line where he sometimes sees when fighting some monsters, is visible. He follows the line and manages to defeat Death Spot.  When He wakes up after being unconscious after the fight, the first person that he sees is Mary, who smiles after seeing him woke up. With his victory, they manage to get a bunch of gold and continue their life like the usual.


I got excited to watch Grimgar because my friend kept on talking about it and he looked so hyped and liked it so much. After watching the first 4 episodes, I still didn’t get the hyped that he had. It’s kinda, boring. But after watching it till the end, I still think the hype that my friend had was too much lol. No, it’s not that because it’s bad, it’great, I like it. But the story is not as great as I thought it would be. The beginning is kinda boring, but it keeps on getting more interesting as it goes by. But still, I think that the story is ordinary.

I like Haruhiro though. And Yume also. And I ship them two together. I like that scene where they hug each other in front of the bath, because they cry and let out all of their sadness together. I just hope that if there’s a romance in this anime, Haruhiro would end up with Yume. So I’m kinda sad when Mary appears, she keeps on getting closer and closer to Haruhiro haha.


Aside from the ordinary story, the background art is what amazed me the most. It’s a gorgeous watercolor art. I realy love it. And about the music, I think it’s good but not really good. I like the ending song, Harvest by (K)NoW_NAME and the song that’s played in episode 2, Seeds by (K)NoW_NAME.

Overall, I give Hai to Gensou no Grimgar a 7.5 out of 10.


2 thoughts on “Hai to Gensou no Grimgar

  1. It was really pretty and I really enjoyed these characters, even though they were sad so much of the time. The relationships in the group were really well crafted. While I like Yume, I really liked how Haruhiro began to bring Mary out of her shell and felt there was a really strong connection there.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, they were sad most of the time. Well, I also like how Mary slowly opens up to them, but I just kinda disappointed that Haruhiro and Yume’s relationship doesn’t really develop romantically haha (well, it doesn’t have a romance genre lol)


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